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Boomer jokes 👵 in 2025

Excuse me, are you a boomer in real estate property?
-because I’m about to pump my liquid assets into you

What happens when a Karen and a Boomer crash into each other?

What is a phonecall by a Boomer called?
– Boomerang !

We went from “okay, boomer”..
-to “you okay, boomer?” in like a week.

Did you here about the old guy who gave toddlers dynamite?
-He was a Baby Boomer

Prediction: There will be a minor Baby Boom in 9 months
-and then one day in 2033 we will witness the rise of
The Quaranteens

I ran across some douchbag millennial in the store running his mouth, calling me a boomer and blaming me for ruining the world. Then he acted like he wanted to fight me.
– I said “That’s pretty big talk for a guy with no health insurance.”

I was going to say “Boomer Humor” needs to be a subreddit
– but that’s basically what this sub is

Why do boomers make horrible cashiers?
-Because they’re afraid of change.

What do you call a 60 year old flying in a fighter jet?
– A sonic boomer.

Unlike boomers this joke never gets old
– Shoutout to my Grandma… cuz that’s the only way she could hear

What’s the difference between a baby boomer and an avocado
-One is a soft, wrinkly vegetable

The other one is an avocado

I hate when a generation refuses to work and still expect to receive government checks
-Those baby boomers in Congress sure are entitled snowflakes

I know the shutdown is done, but I think this joke is funny and I made it up myself.

Grace Park says she’s done sci-fi before.
-OK Boomer

GenXer’s, Millennials, Baby Boomers

How do you call Doom guy that drinks Monster Zero?
-Boomer guy!

Just heard this little bit of boomer humour
-A priest is giving a sermon in church when suddenly flames leap up from behind the altar and the devil himself rises from below. Terrified all but one of the congregation flee, the devil stares at the last remaining member of the church, a single old man and asks him, ‘are you not afraid mortal?’…

Scientists have invented a bomb that explodes when the temperature hits absolute zero
-It’s called the “0K Boomer”

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