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Bone jokes 🦴💀 in 2025

What do you call a beach with crooked waves? [OC]
– A Scoli-ocean!

Why don’t skeletons like parties?
– Because they have no body to dance with.

The life of a bone marrow baby is like a Hollywood movie.
– Over in 2 hours

What did the French skeleton say before he ate?
– Bone apetit

Just had an operation on my funny bone….
– Doctor said I’ll be in stitches for 2 weeks.

Who is the most famous French skeleton?
– Napoleon bone-apart.

Why are bones so calm?
– Nothing gets under their skin!

It’s true when Trump insists he “Doesn’t have a Racist Bone in his body”
– It’s just his heart, brain and tongue

It’s true I misunderstood what you meant by “take me to the bone zone”
– but you must admit this is a very nice graveyard.

If you boil your funny bone, it becomes a laughing stock
– That’s humerus.

How do skeletons say hello?
– Bonejour.

Found out about a mobile phone who got T-boned on the highway with a RAM.
– The impact of the crash was so bad that he lost his memory.

What do you call a bone of the body that defies church teaching?
– A blasFEMUR

A woman and a dog once fell in love.
– He buried his bone in her backyard.

I boiled a funny bone once…
– It turned into a laughing stock.

Old mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to get her poor dog a bone.
– But when she bent over, Rover took over, and gave her a bone of his own.

How do you keep a skeleton from joking?
– Take away his funny bone.

Did you hear that Diana had to give up her lifelong dream of being a paleontologist because she developed a bad back from all the bending over to study bones?
– Yeah, Diana sore.

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