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Biology jokes 🧠 in 2025

What did the conservative biologist say?
-The only cleavage I want to see is at the cellular level.

I think I’m failing my marine biology class.
-My grade is below C level.

How does Juliet maintain a constant body temperature?

Where do hippos go to university?

A biology teacher runs into a bank holding a flower
-He says “Everybody on the ground, I have a pistil!”

Teacher: “What is the definition of a protein?”
-Student: “A protein is something that is made up of mean old acids.”

What did the Endoplasmic Reticulum say to the Golgi.
-I like your body, and the Golgi said it’s complex.

The biology teacher told us our skin is the biggest organ…
-Here i was thinking it was the one they play in the church down the road!

My Biology Teacher Asked What ATP is…
-I replied, “where Native Americans live.”

What did the Endoplasmic Reticulum say to the Golgi?
-“I like your body,” and the Golgi said, “It’s complex.”

I think I’m failing my marine biology class
-My grade is below C level.

Y’all want to hear a potassium joke?
– K.

I was going to study marine biology dude. Turns out it was just a lot of maths.
-Really dude? What course?

Algae brah.

If H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice?
-H2O cubed.

What do you call a FISH with no Eyes?

Biology Professor: The small intestine of human is only 6 meters long, yet contains villi that is folding up so much, when unfolded, it’s about 40 square meters.
-Professor (continued): If you walk on that, it’d take you 7x of time than you expected.

Student: I experienced that in Ikea.

I took my Biology exam last Friday. I was asked to name two things commonly found in cells.
– Doh.

What do sprinters eat before a race?
-Nothing, they fast!

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