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Bingo jokes in 2025

What is an oncologist’s favourite bingo number?
– It is B-9.

I got fired from my Bingo Caller Job…
– Apparently “A meal for two with a hairy view” is not the way you say 69.

Thou shalt never envy thy neighbor’s win.

The boy band organized an illegal bingo game until the police knocked at the door.

What made the game of bingo go lifeless last night?
– Lack of O2.

How do you get 500 old cows in barn?
– Put up a bingo sign.

The group decided to practice their Shakespearan English skills for their school play while they play bingo and to begin,
– the Host called out, “The game is made for thee and me.”

An old man stopped me on the street to tell me this.
How do you get five sweet, kind, angelic, Christian, old ladies to swear like sailors?

– Have a 6th one say “BINGO!”

Why should you not play bingo with dogs?
– They can B8.

How does a GenZ play bingo?
– 49 and Amazon Prime.

Harry impressed the seniors with his bingo skills and fresh energy
– everyone welcomed the young and keen to the game.

The British team had come to play bingo at the tournament, as they stood in a line,
– it was called the Brighton Line.

Thou shalt not be seated in the lucky seat of thy neighbor.

My mom loved bingo so much …
– when she got a tumor, it was B-9.

Why could the group of friends not have their long-planned bingo game night?
– Because the city had a blackout.

When is a testicular tumor like a bingo ball?
– when it’s B-9

There was a freakish accident during the game of bingo.
– Everybody was busy keeping the man alive.

The bingo team organized a jazz show and named it Jump and Jive.

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