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Bingo jokes in 2025

My mom loved bingo so much …
– when she got a tumor, it was B-9.

Why could the group of friends not have their long-planned bingo game night?
– Because the city had a blackout.

When is a testicular tumor like a bingo ball?
– when it’s B-9

There was a freakish accident during the game of bingo.
– Everybody was busy keeping the man alive.

The bingo team organized a jazz show and named it Jump and Jive.

How do you know if a bingo player likes you or not?
– Call their number 5 times continuously and see if they answer.

How to motivate someone with bingo lingos?
– 78 and haters gonna hate.

This is my favourite joke I made, I hope no-one else has thought about it
How do you get an old English woman to say “f**k”
– Get someone else to shout “bingo!”

Why do Japanese people hate bingo?

– They all scramble for cover when you call B-29.

Thou shalt never peek at thy neighbor’s card.

Richard was known for his spontaneity but when his parents got to know about his addiction to bingo, his duck and dive did not work.

Did you hear about the bingo caller who had a tumor?
– Luckily, the tumor was B-9.

What is the doctor’s favorite card in bingo?
– B12, it resonates with the vitamin.

How do you make three old ladies all yell profanity at the same time?
– Have the forth one yell ” BINGO!”.

An old woman goes to the doctor’s office…
….The doctor gives her a checkup and says, “I need to do stool, blood and urine tests.”
– The woman says, “Well can I just leave my underwear? Bingo starts in half an hour.”

What do cats say when they play bingo?

– Eyes down for a full mouse.

How does an Instagram influencer play bingo?
– 86 and Instagram pics.

Greg loved his dancing and after each win at the bingo, he showed his dance skills, everyone called him the dancing queen of their group.

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