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Bingo jokes in 2025

What’s the fastest way to break up a bingo game in North Korea?
– B-52! B-52!

How many balls were brought by the players of bingo for their pool table?
– 75 balls.

An elderly man arrives home from bingo and his wife comes running up to him.

– “Thank goodness you’re home safe! I was watching the news and apparently a lunatic was driving down the wrong side of the freeway!”

– He responds, “*A* Lunatic? There were hundreds of them!”

Freddy had not won a game of bingo for long and was waiting for the next Sunday, as it was the lucky seven of the month.

The expert bingo player introduced his forty-year-old son to the game and said,
– “Here’s where life begins.”

What is the name of the man who won bingo for 3 times in a row?
– Jerry Hat-trick.

What does one say while spending the weekends to play bingo?
– 14 and chill.

I got fired from my Bingo Caller Job…
– Apparently “A meal for two with a hairy view” is not the way you say 69.

An elderly man arrives home from bingo and his wife comes running up to him.

– “Thank goodness you’re home safe! I was watching the news and apparently a lunatic was driving down the wrong side of the freeway!”

– He responds, “*A* Lunatic? There were hundreds of them!”

Why do they call bingo in Latin in Catholic churches?

– So the Protestants can’t win.

Thou shalt never misuse the call “Bingo”.

The group had to postpone the bingo game as a ball hit Kelly’s eye.

Sara was new to the game of bingo so her friends said the first step to being a host is to pick and mix.

How do you get five sweet, kind, angelic, Christian, old ladies to swear like sailors?
– Have a 6th one shout, “Bingo!”

Where do the bees go after they die?
– B7.

What is the name of the elderly man that won three bingos in a row?
– Jerry hat-trick …

How do you play Taliban bingo?
– B-52…F-16…B-1..

How do you get 500 cows into a barn?

– Put a bingo sign on it.

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