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Bingo jokes in 2024

Rory boasted about her bingo skills as winning for 6 game nights was not everyone’s cup of tea.

Margie said to rise and shine in the morning as she woke up her sons for the bingo tournament.

What do mice say when they start to play bingo?
– “Eye down for a full mouse.”

Where do you find 100 fat cows?
– At bingo

ADHD & Sleep Problems. Funny That You Asked!!
– I have ADHD and have troubles getting to sleep. Doctor recommended counting sheep…

– 1 sheep. 2 sheep. 3 sheep. Cow. Duck. Horse. *Old MacDonald had a farm* and bingo was his name-o!

Its Before not “be fore”
– We’re speaking English not Bingo.

Why don’t physicists and Bingo players get along?

– They disagree on the application and existence of a free space.

How does a boy on diet play bingo?
– He says 83 and gluten-free.

Danny won the game continuously for 7 weeks so he received the royal salute from his friends.

Ron was taught bingo by his grandfather and to celebrate the latter’s ninetieth birthday,
– Ron called it Top of the Shop Party.

Which is Frank Sinatra’s favorite card number?
– B2, that is how he started his songs too.

Thou shalt never break down about thou loss.

I watched the US Presidential Debate last night, but I don’t know if it was worth it
– If I wanted to watch two old men fighting and screaming at each other, I would have just gone to bingo night at the local nursing home‬.

How does a mid-age man call his cards?
– 25 and mid-life crisis.

The friends decided to never eat before the game of bingo as it turned out to be unlucky for some.

Herbie had climbed a tree and did not want to come down as he had lost at a game of bingo.
– The next day, in school, others called him, “Here Comes Herbie, Stuck in a Tree.”

How did Mitchel know so much about bingo?
– He had a PhD.

How to describe your travel stories while playing bingo?
– 54 and old ladies on a tour.

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