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Bike jokes 🚲 in 2025

Two cyclists decided to race each other.
But towards the end of the track, one started to slow down. The other asked “Why are you slowing down?” He replied, “I saw a fork in the road.”

Rabbit is riding his new bicycle, when he meets bear
Rabbit is riding his new bicycle, when he meets bear. Bear clearly drunk:

“Hey rabbit, where did you get new bicycle?”

“I don’t drink, I save money, I can afford a bicycle.”

After some time rabbit has new motorbike and as he is taking it for a drive, he meets beer again, who is as usual totally drunk:

“Hey rabbit, where did you get new motorbike?”

“I don’t drink, I save money, I can afford a motorbike.”

After some time rabbit sees ferrari closing in. The ferrari stops next to rabbit and wouldn’t you believe it? The bear is driving. So surprised rabbit asks:

“Hey bear, how did you afford new ferrari? Did you stop drinking?”

“Nah, I returned beer bottles.”

A guy sees his mother in law riding a bicycle. “Where are you going?” he asks.
“To the cemetery” she replies.

“And who is going to return the bike?”

Little Johnny asks his father for a $200 bicycle for his birthday.
Johnny’s father says, “We have an $80,000 mortgage on the house, and I just got laid off! There won’t be a $200 bike this year.”

Two days later, Little Johnny walks out of the house with all his belongings in a suitcase. His father asks him why he’s leaving.

Johnny says, “Early this morning, I was walking past your room, and I heard you tell Mommy that you were pulling out, and Mommy said that you should wait because she was coming too, and I’ll be damned if I’ll get stuck with an $80,000 mortgage!”

What’s the difference between a bike and a tricycle?
– A bike goes faster and costs more if it falls over.

A biker’s best friend is often their helmet.

You have stopped even trying to explain to your other half why you need more than one bike…you just go buy another one and figure it will all work out in the divorce settlement.

You clean your bike(s) more often then your house.

When I was a kid I prayed every night for a new bicycle
Then I learned the Lord doesn’t work that way so I stole one and prayed for forgiveness instead

A friend of mine used to be obsessed with his bike, he was out on it ten times a day. He’s fine now, just had to break the cycle.

What lesson does everyone learn about bicycling?
– Never ride in the same direction as an oil truck.

“I’ve never gone bickering.” That’s how cyclists fight.

This bicycle was wheelie funny
Why is the bicycle gone to bed early
-Because it was two tired.

A poor man needs oil for his bicycle.
He doesnt have any money so he asks his wife if she has any money.

The wife said she doesnt have any money either.

But the man had an idea to get quick money.

A few days later he comes home with oil. The wife asks how did he get the money to buy oil.

“Why, I sold my bike to get the money.”

What do you get if you cross a cyclist with an Orange?
– An electric Citrus.

What do you call a cyclist who is wearing jorts and a wife-beater shirt?
– A Mechanic!

What do you call a biker who refuses to give up their seat to a pregnant woman?
– A rebel without a clue.

You buy a people-carrier and immediately remove the rear seats to allow your bike(s) to fit.

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