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Bike jokes 🚲 in 2025

I took my bicycle to the bottle shop the other day…
I got a bottle of vodka and put it in the bike’s basket. As I was about to leave I thought to myself that if I fell the bottle would break. So I drank all the vodka and then headed home. It turned out to be a really good decision because I fell eleven times on my way home.

A naked man was arrested after stealing a bicycle and riding away on it.
Police impounded the bicycle, but worry that the evidence is tainted.

What’s the difference between a Boy Scout and a guy who fixes bicycle horns?
One’s motto is ‘Be Prepared’, the other’s is ‘Beep Repaired’

EDIT:I reached r/all, I promised a friend of mine that I would stop calling his mom hot if I reached all.

He sends his regards..

There’s a vampire bike around here that keeps biting people. It’s a vicious cycle

Why did the bike fall off its stand?
– It was too tired to hold up.

How do cyclists stay safe?
– By wearing bells and flashing lights.

“Four cheeseburgers and four large French Fries” is for you.

You can tell your other half, with a straight face that it’s too hot to mow the lawn and then bike off for a century.

What’s green and has wheels?
– Grass, duh!

Where do bicycles go when they get old and rusty?
– They become unicycles.

What did the child biker get on their IQ test?
– A wheel chair.

What is a noodle’s favorite bicycle race?
– The Tour de Lini

Why did the kid fall off his bicycle?
– Because someone threw a fridge at him.

I for one can’t wait to grow old and saggy
– Then, maybe then, I can finally ride my bicycle without crushing my balls!

How do you know when a bike mechanic is in a good mood?
– He’s whistling at least one tune!

Bike Lanes in Austin: the great equalizer

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