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Bee jokes ๐Ÿ in 2025

What do bees write in their Valentine cards?
– Honey bee mine.

When a bee writes a sonnet, it waxes poetic.

What goes zzub-zubb when it travels?
– A bee flying backwards.

What is a swarm of really small queen bees called?
– The royal wee.

Why was the bee fired from the barbershop?
– He only knew how to give a buzz cut.

Do you think a bee brushes their hair with a honeycomb?

What did the teacher bee say to their students?
– Bee on your best bee-haviour!

Whatโ€™s the one thing bees never forget to bring to the beach?
– Fris-bees.

A wasp is nothing more than a wanna-bee

What do bees do when their friend moves into a new hive?
– They throw them a house swarming party.

What’s a bee’s favourite sport?
– Rug-bee.

Where do bees go on holiday?
– Stingapore and Beejing!

Remember, if you offend an audience of beekeepers you may hear some veiled threats.

What buzzes, is black and yellow, and goes along the bottom of the sea?
– A bee in a submarine.

What do you call a bee that doesnโ€™t cost anything?
– A free-bee.

A bumblebee, a spelling bee and a vitamin B got in a fight. The vitamin B1.

What is a bee’s favourite Spice Girls single?
– Wanna-bee!

What do bees take with them when they go bird watching?
– Bee-noculars.

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