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Beaver jokes 🦦 in 2024

Knock knock!
– Who is there?
– Beaver
– Beaver who?
– Be-ware of the turbulent river.

Just finished eating a beaver curry…
– It’s like a normal curry, but otter.

What did the bad beaver say when stopped by a corrupt cop?
– Nothing. Corrupt cops don’t stop bad beavers.

What does a beaver say when something bad happens
– Damn it

My beaver left me and she’s never coming back
– She said I’m not worth a dam.

A family of beavers were walking across a river. During that time, the dad said to the family: “Dam it.”

Where do beavers go to wash up?
– The river basin.

Who is a beaver’s most favorite pop singer ever?
– Justin Beaver.

What did the beaver say when he slipped in water?
– Damn it!

How can you tell that only male beavers cut down trees?
– Because they’re all fellers.

Where do beavers keep their money?
– Well, they keep it in the riverbank.

Beavers enjoy being in the company of a river because they go with the flow.

The baby beaver sang a song about the river in a video for his friends. He had a good flow.

Why are beavers always happy?
– They dont give a dam.

A new study proves that beavers cause extensive flooding
– I’ve read it. The evidence against them is damning.

My Dutch guinea pigs want to become beavers.
– They’re building Hamsterdam.

What is a beaver’s most favorite song ever?
– You made me a, you made me a beaver, beaver.

The beaver offered some freshly streamed buns to his guests.

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