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Bear Jokes 🧸 in 2025

Which animal can hibernate while standing on its head?
– Yoga Bear.

The bear went for a walk but got lost
-he had lost his bearings!

A bear walks into a restaurant and sits next to a man.
-He says, ‘Hello………….. I’m Barry the Bear’.

The man asks, ‘Why the big pause?

The bear says, ‘I’m not sure, I was born with them!’

Where do the teenaged polar bears go to dance?
-To the snow-ball.

How can pandas get to a hospital quickly?
-In a bamboolance.

What does a polar bear eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
– Ice-burgers!

What is a bear’s favorite dessert?
-Blue beary pie.

Why did the bear dissolve in water?
-It was polar.

What would you call a bear that hasn’t got any ears?
– A b.

The koala had to keep fit
-so he did some bear-obics.

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