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Bear Jokes 🧸 in 2025

What do you call a panda that lost his food?

What is the only cheese a bear can smell?

What do you call a polar bear in Florida?
-A solar bear.

What do you call a polar bear with a hole in his belly?
-A polo bear.

Why did God create Yogi bear?
-Because on his first try he made a Boo-Boo.

What do you get if you cross a skunk with a bear?
-Winnie the PU!

Polar bears are cheap to feed
-they only eat ice.

Why don’t bears eat fast food?
– They can’t catch it!

How did the grizzly walk in the snow?
-Bear footed.

What’s a bear’s favorite after-school activity?
-Cub Scouts!

A panda enjoys watching films because they’re
-in black and white.

What do bears pack in their suitcases?
– Only the bear necessities.

What is a polar bear’s favorite cereal?
– Ice Crispies.

Where do polar bears have to go to vote?
-They drive to the North Poll!

What happens when a bear is in the rain for too long?
-He becomes a drizzly bear.

What kind of car does Yogi bear drive?
-A Furrari.

The two bears had to break up…
– they were polar opposites!

How does a bear get from one place to another?
-On a bear-o-plane.

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