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Bear Jokes 🧸 in 2025

How did the polar bear walk in the snow?

What would bears be without bees?

What is a polar bear’s favorite snack?
– Brrrrrittos.

Where do polar bears keep their money?
-In a snow bank.

How does a bear stop a movie?
-They hit the paws button.

What is the teddy bear’s favourite food?
– Stuffing.

Why do bears wear fur coats?
-They would look strange in a dress.

Have you ever had a dream about a bear eating you?
-I call them bite-mares.

A polar bear will only eat one type of cereal…
– Ice Crispies!

What do you call a very smelly bear?
– Winnie the Poo!

What do you call a bear that jumps but never lands?
-Peter Panda.

The koala bear had to sit lots of exams this year..
-he needed to get his koala-ifications.

What happened when the bear applied at the movie theater?
– He was told he was not koala-fied.

I’ll think of another pun soon…
-Just bear with me.

What do you should at a teddy bear relay?
-Ready, teddy, go!

Who is the scariest bear of them all?
– Winnie the Boo!

Who is a polar bear’s favorite musician?

What do you call two polar bears jerking each other off?

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