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Baseball Jokes ⚾ in 2024

Why is the baseball stadium hot after the game?
-Because all the fans have left.

I opened a fresh loaf of bread and found a baseball card wedged between two slices.
-It was a Catcher in the Rye.

What keeps the beat in a baseball song?
-The base line. (bass line)

What do you get when you cross a baseball player with a monster?
-A double header!

A baseball came through my window today
-It really hit home

Why didn’t the Confederate soldier want to go to the baseball game?
-He heard the Yankees were playing.

How is a baseball team like a baker?
-They needed a good batter!

You are locked inside a car with nothing but a baseball bat. How do you get out?
– Unlock the door, of course!

Which animal is best at baseball?
– The bat.

What does a baseball player do when he loses his eyesight?
-Become an umpire.

I saw a giant mouse so I tried killing it with a baseball bat
-So now I have a lifetime ban from Disneyland

How do baseball players keep in touch?
-They touch base every once in a while.

Why don’t baseball players join unions?
-Because they don’t like to be called out on strikes.

What do roosters have in common with baseball?
-Fowl balls.

What is the best advice to give a young baseball player?
-If you don’t succeed at first, try second base.

When does the Queen watch baseball?
-If it’s a knight game!

Why don’t orphans play baseball?
-They don’t know where home is.

How Do Baseball Players Stay Friends?
-They touch base every once in awhile.

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