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Bartender jokes 🍹🍸 in 2025

A man walks into a bar sporting the worst haircut you’ve ever seen…
– “Give me two shots of Jack Daniels,” he says to the bartender. “One for me, and one for you.”

“You know I don’t drink on the job,” the bartender says, pouring the man a shot.

Downing the drink, the man replies, “And that’s why I like you better than my barber.”

A guy runs into a bar says to the bartender
– “Quick! Give me 50 shots of your best whiskey!”

I told the bartender I wanted a double…
…and he brought out a guy that looks just like me.

A pun, a play on words, and a limerick walk not a bar.
– No joke.

Joke I made up: Caveman and a bear walk into a bar. Bartender says “what’s your story?” Caveman says…
– Bear with me…

A Neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender for the price of a drink

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