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Baby Jokes 👶 in 2024

What goes 100mph and bounces up and down?
– A baby tied to the back of a truck.

I think the hospital accidentally switched our babies at birth…
-They’re identical twins, so it’s hard to be sure.

If a baby refuses to go to sleep…
-Is she resisting arrest?

My partner is so negative… I remembered the car seat, the stroller, AND the diaper bag…
-But all she can talk about is how I forgot the baby.

Where can babies post status updates about how they‘re feeling?

How should you treat a baby goat?
-Like a kid.

What do baby pythons play with?

What do you do with a fussy baby?
-You pacify it.

Did you hear about the baby born in a high-tech hospital?
-It came out cordless.

When potatoes have babies, what are they called?
-Tater tots.

Where do baby fish sleep?
-In a bass-inet.

How many babies does it take to shingle a roof?
-Depends how thin you slice them.

What do you call a group of baby soldiers?
-An infantry.

Which app can babies use to see thousands of photos of people who want to buy them toys?

Did you hear about the lady who traveled to the ocean to have her baby?
-She needed a sea section.

“I don’t always drink milk. But when I do, I prefer Dos Tetas.”
-The Most Interesting Baby in the World

What do you call a baby potato?
-A small fry.

How did the baby know she was ready to be born?
-She was running out of womb.

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