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Avocado jokes 🥑 in 2025


What do you say when the guacamole is ready?
– Chip, chip, hooray!

What is an avocados favourite Australian movie?
– Guac-adile Dundee

what does the one-upping hipster say?
– hold my avocado

What is the Jolly Green Giant most afraid of?
– Avocado pickers

Did you hear about the avocado army that invaded a dining table?
– They gua-ccupied the bowl.

What do you call an over-ripe avocado?
– Guaca-mouldy.

How do you know if an avocado has been sunbaking?
– It will soon have guaca-moles on its back


What did the tortilla chip say to the avocado?
– Well, this is guac-ward.

What do you call an avocado with facial hair?
– Avocamo’s

What do you call an expired avocado?
– A guacamoldy

What do you say when the guacamole tastes perfect?
– Bravocado.

What did the father avocado say to his son?
– You’re just a chip off the old guac

What do you call it when you punch someone with an avocado?
– Guacamelee

Accidentally got some guacamole in my eyes…
… and now I think I have guacoma.
Happy Avocado Day!

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