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Avocado jokes 🥑 in 2024


What did the tortilla chip say to the mummy, daddy and baby avocado?
– Good things come in trees.

How do you know when two avocados are in love?
– Because they’ll avocuddle whenever they av’ a chance

People always laugh at my car because it looks like a fruit…
– But at least I avocado!

At the party, Mr Nacho raised the toast and said it’s time for some guac-tails!

What is an avocado’s favourite kind of exercise?
– Avocadio.

Smily Mylie

What did the sad avocado say?
– It’s a hard guac life.

What did the thief say when he was caught stealing avocados?
– I know it’s wrong, but it feels so ripe.

I know an avocado who can run for hours.
– He’s hard core.


What do drunk avocados say to their friends at house parties?
– Let’s get smashed!

Why shouldn’t you put avocados in your eyes?
– You could get guacoma.

How do you measure the molar mass of guacamole?
– With Avocado’s Constant.

Got myself into a sticky situation with an avocado; I was stuck between a guac and a hard place.

What is an avocado’s favourite game?
– Guac-a-mole.

Why are romantic comedies an avocados favourite genre of movies?
– Because they love living happily avo after

Lil guac

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