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Art Jokes 🖼️ in 2025

Why can mathematicians never become painters?
-Their art is derivative.

What do you call an artist with plenty of storage?
-A drawer.

Artists on Reddit are pretty unoriginal
-Does every one of them have to call their painting Untitled ?

What happened when the two artists entered the art contest?
– It ended in a draw.

What did the martial artist say when I asked if could have all his cookies?
-He said not all of them, but I could tae kwon do.

Music artists need stop attacking people for no reason
-They producing the wrong hits.

What type of artist likes to draw flies?
-A dead artist.

Why shouldn’t you ever date an artist?
-I don’t know, they just seem kind of sketchy.

Why did Germany provide aid to artists hit by coronavirus?
-They know what happen when painter suffer setbacks.

I photograph my pimples.
-Is zit art?

Why did the painter get fired from his job?
-Because he lacked luster.

There once was a starving artist
-Wherever someone offered to buy his work, he thought they were being patronizing.

An artist is alone and wants to be pleasured (NSFW)

What would you normally call something hanging on the wall?

A lot of people mistake Johnny Cash for a country artist.
-I understand though, as far as genres go he walks the line.

What do you call a martial artist who’s masking his identity?
-Not sure, but you might want to use his judonym.

Why should you always avoid sketch artists?
-Because they are shady.

I don’t trust artists.
– They’re really sketchy.

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