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Art Jokes 🖼️ in 2024

Never trust people who sketch facial composites for police reports.
-They’re con artists.

Why was the artist afraid he might go to jail?
– Because he’d been framed!

Why did the artist say nothing when people said his painting was terrible?
-Because he got the picture.

Hip-hop Music Artist Lil’ Wayne announced that he’s tested positive for COVID-19
-The rapper said that he’s okay and mostly recovered though, just a lil’weezy.

Why was the artist in jail?
-Apparently he was framed.

I was voted most artistic in Highschool
– I was also voted most dyslexic

My favorite high stakes parkour artist hasn’t posted in months.
-Not only is it a cliffhanger its most likely a cliff faller.

Why should you never trust an artist?
– They always seem to be a bit sketchy.

Me: Being a great artist is all about finding the right medium.
-The 5th psychic I’ve been to today: judging by your work here, I see disappointment in your future.

Did you hear about the one man band on the New York subway?
-Probably not, he’s an underground artist

Why did the artist visit the bathroom?
-Because he was ‘consti-painted.’

I saw a graffiti artist spraying a police station in a thick font.
-Now that is bold.

The government will send a martial artist after you if you violate copyright law
-IP Man

What should you do if you find art imprisoned?
-You have to Freda art.

Where do tattoo artists connect?
– InkedIn

I asked an artist friend of mine to draw me a golden wishing well
-He replied ‘Eh, Midas well”

What do graffiti artists call empty walls?
-A blanksy.

My grandpa was an artist. He had an amazing stroke.
-That’s how he died.

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