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Anti jokes in 2025

This is due to their powerful hind legs and the fact that the average house can’t jump.

What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
– A horrible boating accident.

You know what they say?
– Words.

What do you call a pretty woman on the arm of a musician?
– A tattoo.

Want to know something that will make you smile?
– Your facial muscles.

What is red and extremely bad for your teeth?
– A flying brick.

What did one woman say to the other woman next to the coffee machine?
– “Coffee looks good.”

I talk to myself because sometimes I just need advice.

What did the plumber say to the singer?
– “Nice pipes.”

Why is there no aspirin in the rainforest?
– Because it wouldn’t be financially viable to sell pharmaceuticals in a vastly unpopulated rainforest.

Who shaves at least 20 times a day?
– A barber.

What did the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs say?
– “T. rexxie, babe, I’m coming in for a hug.”

Mary had a little lamb,
– And the doctor fainted.

What did the pirate do before he buried his treasure?
– Dug a hole.

Why did the teacher tell Jamie she was wearing too much makeup?
– Because she was wearing too much makeup.

What did the raccoon say to the other raccoon?
– “Does my breath smell like garbage?”

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall…
– And a pretty good spring and summer too.

What do you call a pencil sharpener that can’t sharpen pencils?
– Broken.

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