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Anime jokes in 2025

What does MonkeyD. Luffy say when you want another piece of the pie?
– You can only have ‘One Piece.’

On which planet does Piccolo visit to relax?
– He goes to Planet Hammock.

What do you call a Firetruck obsessed with Anime?
– A wee-woo-aboo

What language do weebs who haven’t learned Japanese prefer to read in mangas?
– Manganese.

Why was it sad that Petra died when she started barking up the wrong tree?
– Because Anniebody could have killed her.

What does Deku put on the walls during Christmas?
– Deku-rations.

What is a suicidal Weebs favorite anime?
– Bleach.

Why did Goku get into another fight with Vegeta?
– Because he was Saiyan bad jokes.

Why was it impossible for Sasuke to awaken the Byakugan?
– Because He-not-a Hyuga.

What is Wall-E’s favorite anime series?
– It is Eva-ngelion.

My favorite anime character
– liam ni-san

What is a Whailord Pokemon’s favorite TV show?
– ‘Whale of Fortune.’

What did the God of Destruction say to the cashier?
– You can put it on my Bills.

What do you get when you cross a Sailor with a Cow?
– Sailor Moo.

I’ve been watching this anime about dentists.
– But it’s been getting boring. I’m a little tired of the filler episodes.

Why is Ash Ketchum the gayest character in anime?
– Every episode, he falls for a trap.

What is Wall-E’s favorite anime series?
– It is Eva-ngelion.

What did Arlert say when he got his Jaeger uniform?
– “You must have got my size wrong. I cannot even put my Armin.”

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