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Animal jokes 🐢 in 2024

What do you get from a pampered cow?
– Spoiled milk.

What do you call farm animals that have a sense of humor?
-Laughing stock.

What goes tick-tock, bow-wow, tick-tock, bow-wow?
-A watch dog.

What steps do you take if you a tiger is running towards you?
– Big ones.

What is a cat’s favorite breakfast?
-Mice krispies

What do you call a deer with no eyes?

I was going to tell you a cow joke…
-but it’s pasture bed time.

Why are giraffes so slow to apologize?
-It takes them a long time to swallow their pride.

What does a shark and a computer have in common?
-They both have megabites.

Who makes dinosaur clothes?
-A dino-sewer.

What is black and white and red all over?
-A skunk with a rash.

Why couldn’t the lizard get a girlfriend?
-Because he had a reptile dysfunction!

What bird can be heard at mealtimes?
-A swallow.

A man walks into a zoo, the only animal was a dog.
-It was a shitzu

Where did the sheep go on vacation?
– The baaaahamas

What do you get when you put three ducks in a box?
-A box of quackers.

What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up?
-A try and try and try-ceratops!

What’s the cheapest kind of meat you can buy?
-TDeer balls. They’re under a buck.

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