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Andrew Tate Jokes 😎 in 2024

Why did Andrew Tate refuse to use a seatbelt? He doesn’t need one, his alpha energy keeps him secure.

What did Andrew Tate say when he was asked if he’s ever been wrong? “I don’t make mistakes, I just make alpha adjustments.”

Andrew Tate doesn’t need a watch, he just alpha-synchronizes his internal clock with the universe.

What did Andrew Tate say when he was asked if he’s ever lost a fight? “I don’t lose fights, I win learning experiences.”

Why did Andrew Tate refuse to play basketball? He already knows how to alpha-dunk from half court.

Andrew Tate doesn’t need a watch, he just stares at the sun to tell the time.

Andrew Tate doesn’t need a degree, he just stares at the university until they give him an honorary one.

Why did Andrew Tate refuse to use a map? He already knows how to alpha-navigate his way through any terrain.

Did you hear about the time Andrew Tate went to jail in Romania? Even the prison guards were afraid to alpha-confront him.

Andrew Tate doesn’t do push-ups, he does earth-downs.

Andrew Tate doesn’t need a diploma, he just stares at the job listing until the company hires him.

What did Andrew Tate say when he was asked if he’s ever been in a car accident? “I don’t get in car accidents, cars just know better than to crash into me.”

What did Andrew Tate say when he was asked if he’s ever been disappointed? “Disappointment is just an emotion that weak people experience.”

Andrew Tate doesn’t need a phone, he just stares at people until they call him.

Why did Andrew Tate end up in jail in Romania? He was caught alpha-domineering the entire country.

Why did Andrew Tate’s laptop break? He alpha-pressed too hard.

What did Andrew Tate say when he was asked if he’s ever been nervous? “Nerves are just a feeling that weak people experience.”

Why did Andrew Tate refuse to use a calculator? He doesn’t need one, he just stares at the numbers until they solve themselves.

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