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Alpaca jokes 🦙 in 2025

Alpaca love music, their favourite song is ‘Baby Don’t Herd Me’.

What’s the difference between an alpaca and your Mom?
– One is a hairy beast that spits, the other is native to South America.

Where do llamas go on vacation?
– Alpacapuco

What do you get when you cross a turtle and a llama?
– A turtleneck sweater

Who is a llama’s favorite president?
– Barack Ollama

All’s wool that ends wool!

Have a llama-zing day!

No one is afraid of llama kisses
– So why is everyone so worried about the alpaca lips?

I’m having a movie night with my alpaca,
– but he always wants to watch ‘Alpaca-lypse Now’!

What do llamas say when they meet someone new?
– “Fleeced to meet you!”

Why else did the llama cross the road?
– He wanted to prove to the possum that it could be done.

a meteor strikes the earth killing everything and the only surviving life form is a hungry alpaca.

Who is the llama spiritual leader?
– The Dalai Llama

I think my alpaca needs to hem-brace the fact,
– she’ll never be as tall as a llama!

Where do llamas go on vacation?
– Alpacapuco

What happens when you stand between two llamas?
– You get llamanated!

What did the stoned alpaca say to the other stoned alpaca?
– Alpaca ‘nother bong

What did the llama say when his wife asked for a divorce?
– “I guess alpaca my things.”

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