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Alien jokes 👽🛸 in 2025

What do you get if you cross an ex-Popstar with an extra-terrestrial?
– Kym Martian

Why do you have to clean your house so much in space?
– Stardust is everywhere.

Why could the alien not pay attention to what his friend was saying?
– Because he was spaced out.

Which chocolate do aliens love the most?
– A Mars bar.

Neptune broke up with Uranus because they wanted a Plutonic relationship.

Did you hear about the alien who flew a spaceship from Neptune to Uranus in just 3 minutes and 21 seconds?
– He’s listed in the Guinness Book Of Out-Of-This-World Records

What does the queen alien drink every morning?
– Gravi-tea.

What do aliens use skillets in the kitchen for?
– To cook unidentified frying objects.

The lights on a lunar Rover are called moonbeams.

You’re always star-ring up trouble.

What do aliens keep their tea cups on?
– Flying saucers.

Where do aliens normally go to board a train?
– Space Station.

What do aliens wear to posh weddings?
– Space suits

Why did the cow want to become an astronaut?
– So she could see the Milky Way.

Learning about space all day can get exhausting. Sometimes you need to take a launch break.

Why don’t aliens celebrate Christmas?
– Because they don’t like to give away their presence

How does an alien get a haircut?
– Eclipse it.

What do aliens love to add to their hot chocolate?
– Martian mellows.

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