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Alien jokes 👽🛸 in 2025

What do you do when an alien is angry?
– You give him some space.

What do alien dogs say when they land on another planet?
– Show me who your litter is.

What do you call a spaceship with a faulty air-conditioning unit?
– A frying saucer

Why did the star have a crush on the sun?
– It was the center of his universe.

What did the alien say to the cat?
– Take me to your litter.

When I was reading the book on anti-gravity, I could not put it down.

You can find the most space felines in the catmosphere.

What are aliens’ favourite sweets?
– Martian-mallows

What’s an alien’s favorite day of the week?
– Sun-day.

What do aliens look at measuring cups and say?
– Take me to your liter.

What is an alien’s favorite drink at the bar?
– A sate-lite beer.

When an astronaut needs a haircut on the moon, eclipse it.

What do you win in a space talent competition?

A constellation prize.

Why did the alien like his spaceship so much?
– It was out of this world!

What does an alien wear to a Halloween party?
– A space suit.

I just graduated from astronaut school. Let’s go out for launch.

What do you get if you cross an ex-Popstar with an extra-terrestrial?
– Kym Martian

Why do you have to clean your house so much in space?
– Stardust is everywhere.

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