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Alien jokes 👽🛸 in 2024

When Jupiter became friends with Saturn, he asked him to give him a ring sometime.

What’s grey, “mad for it” and lives on Mars?
– Alien Gallagher

What do aliens like to read the most?
– Comet books.

The Orion’s Belt is such a huge waist of space.

When astronomers finish calculating the time from sunrise to sundown, they call it a day.

What do starlets like to read before bed?
– Comet books!

What candy should you give an alien?
– A Mars bar.

What do you call an alien who has muscles?
– A flexa terrestrial.

Why do aliens not get along with each other sometimes?
– Because they can be mercurial.

When the NASA scientist felt betrayed, he said “You d-asteroid my trust.”

Why was the star arrested?
– It was a shooting star.

A moon after my own heart!

Why do aliens not like visiting earth very often?
– Because it is rated only one star.

How does an alien measure things?
– By using a meteor stick.

When the astronaut accidentally collided with the moon, he Apollo-gized.

If Martians live on Mars and Venusians live on Venus, who lives on Pluto?
– Fleas (Pluto being Mickey Mouse’s dog!)

Why did the alien go to Saturn?
– To go ring shopping.

Why is it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with an alien?
– Because he always needs his space.

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