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Algebra Jokes 📚📐📏 in 2025

Do you know what’s odd?
– Every other number!

How are a dollar and the moon similar?
– They both have four quarters!

What’s the best way to serve pi?
– A la mode. Anything else is mean.

Which animal aced our Elementary Algebra exam?
– The g-raph.

Did you hear about the over-educated circle?
– It has 360°!

Which king loved fractions?
– Henry the ⅛.

Why should you never talk to Pi?
– Because she’ll go on and on and on forever.

I would tell you a joke about an infinite line…
– But it doesn’t have an endpoint.

A student brings a slingshot to algebra class and fires gum at the professor
– It was a weapon of math disruption.

Which tables do you not have to learn?
– Dinner tables!

You should never start a conversation with Pi.
– It’ll just go on and on forever.

What do you get when you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?
– Pumpkin Pi!

I will never date a girl who doesn’t understand algebra jokes
– That’s why my x is no longer in the equation

Started my Matrix Algebra class a few months ago…
– I’m really confused so far. When do we learn about Neo?

Why was six afraid of seven?
– Because seven, eight, nine!

Did you hear the one about the statistician?
– Probably.

The problem with math puns is that calculus jokes are all derivative, trigonometry jokes are too graphic, algebra jokes are usually formulaic, and arithmetic jokes are pretty basic.
– But I guess the occasional statistics joke is an outlier.

I got in trouble in Algebra class today and had to stay after class for detention.
– I didn’t enjoy the aftermath.

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