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4th Of July jokes ✨ in 2025

What makes a duck different from George Washington?
– One has a bill on their face, while the other has their face on a bill.

What did the ghost say on the 4th of July?
– Red, white, and boo!

What do you call an American drawing?
– Yankee doodle!

Pre-ramble was included in the first part of the declaration of Independence.

Why is America happy on July 4th?
– Because it was granted a divorce from Britain.

When the visitor left the Statue of Liberty, what did he say?
– Keep in torch!

What do you call a dog who fights for freedom and act as a symbol of protection?
– A revolutionary war-dog.

What does the Statue of Liberty stand for?
– It can’t sit down.

While I was cleaning my house for the afternoon party,
– I decided to put all my old dolls against the grill.
– I was just making a barbie-que.

Why does the Liberty Bell look like a dropped Easter egg?
– Because they’re both cracked.

What is the smartest state in America?
– The State of Alabama. It consists of four As and one B.

What is the firecracker’s favorite snack?
– Pop-sicles.

What do you get when a patriot and a small curly-haired dog collide?
– A Yankee Poodle.

Why is Abraham Lincoln considered the least guilty American President?
– Because he is in a cent.

What is red, white, blue, and green?
– A seasick Uncle Sam.

Happy Fork of July friends!

Which revolutionary war was the craziest?
– The Battle of Bonkers Hill.

What is large, cracked, and transports your luggage?
– The Liberty Bellhop!

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